My husband built a chicken tractor like joel salatin's last year. we wanted to share with you the rough plans that my husband drew up. 12 x 12 chicken tractor salatin style. it is from him that i learned this style of chicken tractor. joel is well once the coop was all together we decided. I have been watching "polyface farm" with joel salatin. the chicken tractor just does not seem practical... at all. first of all, very few people....
Nobody knows pastured poultry like joel salatin. so, when i started raising a batch of broilers, i decided to make a chicken tractor using joel salatin's. ★ best chicken coops for sale ★ coop size for 10 chickens how to build a chicken coop from scratch for very little money.,chicken tractor joel salatin easy for. ★ how to heat a chicken coop in winter ★ how to build a chicken coop from scratch for very little money., easy for anyone to build. chicken houses and chicken.