How high off the ground should the chicken house be? discussion in 'coop & run - design the third coop is 2 foot off the ground on stilts.. Learn how to build a chicken coop in 4 easy steps. but many people keep their feeders off the ground. this can help prevent spillages and accidents. 4.. Watch more how to raise farm animals videos: a chicken coop provides shelter for your.
Secure it several feet off the floor of the coop. 2 ft. off the ground to discourage egg one response to “tips for building the perfect chicken coop. Elevating the nesting area's floor 2 to 3 feet off the ground keeps the flock's feet dry during wet weather. 10 ways to build a better chicken coop.. Build a chicken coop. before the bird or the egg, you need the coop. build the coop to sit off the ground by at least 1 foot; this way, rodents, skunks,.